KARMA.  Some say its a bitch.  I say what goes around comes around.  Y'can't fight it.    So, the next time you look at that nice red marbled piece of flesh that you call meat, and you suck on the bones.  Better say thank you to that Cow.  Pig.  Chicken.  Deer (aka Venison, aka Bambi!!??) Turkey. Baby Sheep (aka Lamb) or Goat (Chevron)  or any other myriad of creatures with eyes and muscle memory.  Are you eating fear?  Are you feeling full of rage??  Do you feel you have no control??.  Better thank them or you have no right to complain of being sucked dry, or beaten down, or whatever tale of suffering you prefer.  Better thank them, preferably before you eat them.  Remember That thing of great antiquity.  Saying Grace.  Say it then.      

Are we afraid to tell ourselves the truth?? 

Then you can take it to the level of clothes, furs, skins.  They add to the luxury, durability and over all feel of the item.  But is it worth slaughtering the crocodile just so you can wear it on your foot?  I think no.  But am not opposed to buying leather and furred goods if they are found second hand.  And I wear them with the energy of the animal who inhabited that skin long before me.  

Is that hypocritcal